print(Hello world!)

My name is Olivia, I’m in my first year of university studying Physics and Spanish. I am fluent in English and Welsh, and I love to read, draw, and listen to and play music. This blog is essentially just a bunch of random rants about anything and everything at any time, mostly for a bit …

No Plastic November

Starting uni means moving away from home and becoming wholly independent including doing my own food shop. This has led me to the crippling reality of how much plastic and general waste me and my flatmates end up chucking away every week. It is practically impossible to walk into a shop and make completely ethical …

Wythnos Darllen

Mae hi’n wythnos darllen ym mhrifysgol nawr, dwi ‘di ddysgu yma am chwe wythnos nawr ac yn dechrau i ddod yn gyfforddus efo ddysgu’n annibynol ac astudio addysg uwchraddol felly dyma’r crynodeb. Darganfyddais fod llawer o amywiaeth yn y gwrs ffiseg o ran pwnc a’r lefel o anhawster. Er enghraifft, ar y foment, rwy’n astudio …

An Episode of Sparrows

I bought this book in a charity shop because it had one of those pretty, old, battered covers that gave off good vibes and made me romanticize reading. What I’m trying to say is I got it for a quid on a whim and completely judged it by it’s cover. The book did start slowly …

Ychydig o ddiweddariad

Hiya! Sa’i dy sgwennu ‘ma am amser hir felly rwy’n dechrau to. Mis yn ol nes i symud i brifysgol ac felly ddim yn fyw mewn Cymru nac yn astudio yn y Gymraeg. Fel canlyniad, rydw i’n gobeithio blogio mewn Cymraeg fel ymarfer er mwyn cadw’r iaith. Sa’i ‘di ffeindo pobl sy’n rhigl yn y …

My 2024 Goals

I’ve made some sort-of resolutions that are a bit more like things I’m hoping will happen in 2024. So, here’s the list and I’ll give you an update in 2025. Here’s a link to me 2024 Pinterest mood board just for the vibes

2024 Reading List

Happy New Year!! Last year I read twenty five books, so this year my goal is twenty six. So far I own twenty three books that I have not yet read, so here’s what you can expect to be reviewed this year (providing that I have the time, energy and self-confidence to do so) Murder …

Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451 is a science fiction novel set in a future where the human races need for consumption of media has taken over. A world where speed limits on motorways are minimum speed limits to ensure nobody is stopping to smell the flowers, or thinking too much. The protagonist, Guy Montag, is a fireman, whose …